My name is Sarah and this will be my written and visual documentary of my up and coming study abroad. I am currently a third year student at the University of Alberta studying Human Ecology. Next year, I will be attending Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea as an exchange student from February to June.
Since the beginning of my post secondary education, I knew I had wanted to participate on a student exchange. The study abroad program on campus was the perfect fit to satisfy my desire to be one since grade eight; when one of my friends got to go to Beijing for a three week exchange. Fast forward, and I'm initiating a blog to document my future endeavors while I'm half across the world. Going on an exchange is not an on the spot decision, it takes a lot of planning and decision making. My process started in September of 2010 when I started looking into the details of being an exchange student. After juggling dozens of decisions, piles of paperwork, and endless hours of waiting, I am very happy to anticipate all of this to come together and become reality.
Leading up to my departure, I will be sharing my thoughts about this experience as well as what I look forward to and hope to accomplish. So without further ado, here's to the "unboxing" of Pho to Seoul: My Adventures from Pho to Toe.
Thanks for reading!
Since the beginning of my post secondary education, I knew I had wanted to participate on a student exchange. The study abroad program on campus was the perfect fit to satisfy my desire to be one since grade eight; when one of my friends got to go to Beijing for a three week exchange. Fast forward, and I'm initiating a blog to document my future endeavors while I'm half across the world. Going on an exchange is not an on the spot decision, it takes a lot of planning and decision making. My process started in September of 2010 when I started looking into the details of being an exchange student. After juggling dozens of decisions, piles of paperwork, and endless hours of waiting, I am very happy to anticipate all of this to come together and become reality.
Leading up to my departure, I will be sharing my thoughts about this experience as well as what I look forward to and hope to accomplish. So without further ado, here's to the "unboxing" of Pho to Seoul: My Adventures from Pho to Toe.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: Student Exchange

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