To get to the port of Halong Bay it takes about 3-4 hour of transit time from Hanoi. Along the way we had a pitstop for washroom and of course a shopping break if you choose to buy local handmade crafts and art here. This time, I definitely knew the company we were touring with and we also have a funny and informative tour guide joining us every step of the way from Vietnam Open Tours which made the tour even more enjoyable.
Aboard what was known to me as a 3 star boat upon booking, the facilities, rooms (most importantly washroom to me), were all comfortable, clean, and aesthetically simple, but well made. Paying a tad more from a shoestring budget really makes a huge difference. We found out later that the 2 star boar didn't even have water available for purchase. For lunch we were served family style, which again, exceeded expectations. Afterwards we got to enjoy the view on the ship's deck which was gorgeous! The limestone islands covered in bushy evergreen vegetation surrounds the view all around you and the illusion of farther islands acting as if it was the closer one's shadow made the view stunning like a water painting. The horizon is like a washout ombre colour effect-you got to see it to believe it! Did you know Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed here? So much for the 'Caribbean' part, but it makes so much sense as filming in Vietnam is probably way more budget friendly. And why not when the view creates so an aura of mystery and adventure right?
After this wondrous experience, we got to go kayaking!!! I of course did not join this tour as a couple or as a group so I wasn't sure how it was going to work as each kayak had two persons (you could go alone but I would not have managed as a first timer), but thankfully some of the people didn't plan on kayaking and one of the couples' boyfriend needed a partner so I got to paddle with him which worked out to my favour as he sat in the back and did most of the work. Another first! but my arms are sore now even for the little work I did. I highly recommend kayaking though as the view is even better up close and personal and so much fun!
In the evening we had a family style seafood dinner which was all very tasty and fresh. There was a fried fish dish in which they mixed in dragonfruit and pineapple cubes which I thought was odd at first, but the flavours became more of a sweet and tangy one and was interestingly remarkable.After dinner I tried my hand at squid fishing, but I've never been a fisher nor did I have the patience, so that quickly ended.
Labels: Halong Bay, Southeast Asia, Tour, Vietnam

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